The women look extra hot and are densely concentrated in one big room, but that's where the advantages over ordinary life pretty much end for most of us. Everybody has their eyes focused on the top 20% of the hottest bodies moving around them like sleek, beautiful animals (and this goes for both the men AND the women). Because of this understandable fantasy phenomenon, the rest of us look lessened and low quality in the shadow of the visually hottest.For instance, if you happen to have the male disease of shortness like I do, you will seem that much shorter and perhaps even comical standing next to the towering, muscular Sven or his rap star look-alike buddy at the nightclub. Girls who would otherwise pick up a flirt in a grocery store isle will reject you in a heartbeat simply for failing to make that top 20% cut. It's an environment that requires a thick skin for casual rejection if you happen to strike an average pose, to say the least.With that in mind, here's 5 important things to know about successfully socializing within the fantasy universe of bars and clubs:1) The bar / club scene demands that you participate in the culture of what I call the "3-D's"... Dancing, Dressing, and the Displaying of attitude. You know what I'm talking about here and if you don't then you need to visit a few of these places and observe the dynamics going on for yourself. Guys who play the part expected of them by the foxy bar-queens that populate these places do the best. Whereas guys who stand around and watch, well... they stand around and watch. If these kinds of behaviors don't come natural to you, then you'll have to learn how to playact your way into this mindset because it's the only way that you'll have any sort of reasonable success-to-rejection ratio.Begin by frequenting some of the best places near you. Watch and study the "players" who seem to always have women buzzing around them. These guys did not simply show up one day and rule the roost

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